Wednesday, September 17, 2008

There's an eye up on high watching you!

My bride is sending a picture of her eye to a doctor in Mexico. I had this on my desktop and it reminded me of a Harold Leake song about the eye up on high watching you. This eye is not up on high but it watches me closely. I’ve kinda always liked it but this one just makes me nervous.

My prayer for this election is that people see and recognize the truth. I will vote for an imperfect semi-conservative Republican hoping that a perfect socialist will not win.



Kris said...

Great Comics...

i looked at your profile, it reminds me of my dad. he is a Christian church preacher. he hunts, shoots, was a private pilot, collects guns and knives and is a member of the NRA.

anyway, great blog...


redneck preacher said...

Thank you Kris. I don't fly but the rest sound cool.