This picture has nothing to do with this blog. It is however a pretty cool picture of three grandkids. They are a blessing to watch as they grow. As grand-parent-ness blossoms the trials of parent-ness fade. These kids love the LORD, are intelligent, attractive, fun, and generally keep their parents on their toes at all times. Their dad is the pastor of the Gospel Light Baptist Church in Fort Bragg, CA. Pray for him.
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This answered prayer is neither as dramatic nor as obvious as the previous ones.
I drove an armored car in Southern CA. The job was busy, at time exciting, and interesting. There were two men per truck. One drove and the other “hopped” or got out and retrieved the money. The driver watched out for the hopper and tried to cover all areas of danger within sight of the truck. Usually at noon they would switch jobs.
Because of the hazardous nature of the job we learned to trust the other person and depend upon them. There was one guy that I was paired with a couple of times per month. I did not like him. He irritated me by breathing. He was selfish, shallow, crass, profane, without morals, and had bad breath and body odor. I did not like him.
God began to convict me of my borderline hatred of “Jack”. Finally I asked the Lord to help me learn not to hate him.
The very next day as I arrived at the barn to load the truck and leave for my route I found “Jack” had been made my permanent partner. The boss said, “The idea came to me last night to change the shifts around.”
I learned to like this guy and we even became friends (sort of). It was a few weeks before I realized that God had answered my prayer.
God does have a sense of humor.
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