These pictures are of the main people in my life. Terri-hocky, Ruffles, Pepper, Lasha, and of course Susan. Lasha is eating her one meal of the day. Her diet consists mostly of various amounts of raw chicken necks and backs, ground turkey, ground beef, and occasionally organ meats. All of this served raw and she really loves it.
When we feed her and there are kids present, they enjoy watching her from a safe distance. She removes the largest raw piece and places it on the floor or dirt. I think she prefers the grit. If I feed her in the kitchen it involves (if I do it) reminding her to lick the floor afterwards. If my wife does it the floor will be mopped because she is irrational about Lasha’s tongue. That explains why Lasha is eating outside.
As soon as Lasha started eating, the chickens tried to see what she was eating. We felt that warm live chicken necks pecking at Lasha’s dish might be a little difficult on her self-control. Susan is trying to keep the feathered idiots away from the “teeth of death”.
After we finished laughing and taking the pictures I thought of how Barak Hussein Obama’s loving fan club (the media, homosexuals, Hollywood leftist, naïve simpletons, and people ignorant of history) are trying to help usher in a promised utopia. If that were to happen the media would be severely restricted, homosexuals would be executed, Hollywood leftist would only be allowed certain projects, and others would be programmed to obey.
The chickens had to be kept away from the dog. Conservatives are trying to keep our culture away from the abyss of a liberal utopia.
There is a parallel
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