This picture is an illustration of answered prayer. It is an ugly sculpture I made from car parts. I believe in making memorials and this thing collecting dust in my office reminds me of God’s love and care for me. I need to see this, as on my own I forget and get pooch mouth.
I had finished Bible College and was between ministries and did not own a method of transportation. We borrowed a 74 Plymouth station wagon to visit friends in Visalia and family in Santa Maria. As we (self, wife, 4 kids) left Visalia CA the car stopped going and stranded us on the side of the road with smoke billowing up from the engine. I know where the engine is but that is almost the extent of my mechanical ability.
A farmer was disking his field and jumped the fence and pronounced doom upon the car. He got his truck and towed my car to his house where he confirmed the death of this borrowed car. He said something about holes in the pistons(see picture above). I called the owners and they gave us the car and said they would pray for us. We spent the night at his house and I found out none of my friends or family were available to help.
This stranger (an unsaved man) welded a ball onto his truck and fixed a tow bar onto the wagon and towed us the 150 miles to Jim’s (my brother-in-law) house in Santa Maria. He would not take any money (good thing as I only had $50 bucks). My brother-in-law is one of the most talented guys on the planet and he and his wonderful wife are Mr. and Mrs. hospitality. They allowed the six of us to stay while he helped me rebuild the engine.
During the rebuild I had to get the cam turned (the cam is the twisty thing that goes around in the engine, turning it is still a mystery). We took it to a shop and Jim said it would cost a couple of hundred dollars probably. When we picked it up the shop owner, whom I had just met asked if I was in the ministry. I said yes and he said, “No charge”. He called the next day and said we had left something on the counter. When Jim and I went in he handed me $200. This is what the rest of the parts cost at the parts place down the street. Jim was more than a little surprised.
We finally finished and motored away praising God for his wonderful love and answered prayer. I still had that $50.
These "glory stories" are something I will cherish as long as I live, Dad.
That's an awsome story, Granmpa. It is great to see God work. HTOITA
Hannah, As your mom was younger than you when this happened it is special to me to have you enjoy it. Thanks
I remember this well. Wasn't this the place that they fed us omelets for breakfast and this was the first place that I remember running into sulfur water. Even the water smelled like eggs. :) I also remember their pool and it seems that they had a barn with animals also. Or was that a dream?
Nope memory is right on. Do you remember the bug zapper and frog banquet?
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