This is a continuation of the previous blog. After we left Santa Maria with a newly rebuilt engine (I left the extra parts with my brother-in-law). We traveled South to my mother’s place in the San Bernardino Mountains. We were 15 minutes away from a narrow bunch of turns on a mountain road.
The time was way after dark and there were few cars but I remember a very big truck next to us when the steering wheel felt loose. I turned the wheel to the right and the car shot off the road.
There happened to be an off-ramp there. We were pretty happy about that off-ramp. I looked under the car and found a good excuse for never allowing me to work on a car again. The tie rod whatchamacallit was hanging down from the goodeo. I had put the castle nut on but did not put a cotter pin through the hole in the bolt.
This was one of those very simple things Jim (see previous blog) allowed me to do. It was something even I could do. oops!
It was dark; we were on an unlit part of the freeway. The only lights were from the occasional car and truck. It was so obvious God had placed us on that off ramp I thought that maybe God would help me find that nut. I walked a ¼ of a mile up the road and I remember thinking “it was around here that it must have fallen off. I placed my hand on the ground and was surprised to find the nut under my hand. I don’t think I hit the ground very much on the way back to the car.
I put those parts together to remind me of this story. Sort of like the 12 stones next to the River Jordan.
Wow. It sure is great to see God work
It is indeed. You'll have stories to tell your kids. Read Sarah's blog too.
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